Sunday 13 May 2018

Evaluating the website

Are website for the Choice came out really well. This is because the layout was good everything worked and the background made it more engaging then just a simple back ground.

The website home page was effective because as soon as you  click on the link the name of the film would pop up meaning you would straight away know what this website was for.

Also the background to it gave you a chilling feeling as it was a picture of a person standing in a mask (representing the characters) directly behind a innocent looking girl (victim) this was effective because as soon as you sore that image you got a chill down you spine as you got a sense of what is going to happen. The effect of the picture moving in the background was also effective because if you see something flickering you relate it to a horror film which is close to are genre. This also helped to bring up the tension about the production making you want to know what's going to happen next.

The layout was done well as it was clear to navigate making it easy to find out the information you want to with out having to click on a bunch of random pages trying to get to what you want. This is useful because then when people are using the website then they will be able to find their way around easily.

We have a trailer on the website which is useful because it give the people who want to find more out about the film a chance to see a sneak peak which will then bring up there interest levels and they will want to see what will happen

We also had music playing in the background. This was good because then it helped to build up the tension as when you click on it the horror music noise start to playing giving you a chilling feeling and making you want to find out why that music is play. This means that because of the people wanting to find out why then spend more time looking at you website making them more interested overall in the production.

Overall I think that are website was really effective because of all the things above