Monday 25 June 2018

Genre is a category used to break up films into certain groups and used to identify what types of films the views like meaning that when the audience comes to pick a film they know what to expect like a comedy you can expect humour and light hearted jokes. Were as a horror you are expecting jump scarier and to have goose bumps all the way through.

A sub-genre is a second type of person that will like the film for example a documentary people may watch it to learn more this would be the main example but then people who are really interested in the environment will also watch it. This means that two types of people will watch this program another example is 24 hours in A&E this program is for people who like reality programs this would be the main genre whereas the sub-genre would be people who are interested in medical and the side of the hospitals.

A hybrid genre is when there is two types of genre in one film and example of this would be jumanji this would be an action comedy this means that there is action it when the bikers come after them but then there is also comedy when Kevin heart and the rock fight and the rock just knocks him off the cliff.

My production is a document on the change in music

The genre is important to the audience because it helps the categorise the films and find out what types of films they like. If you did not like a film as it made you scared then you would say you don’t like horror meaning that it narrows down the search as when someone says horror you know you won’t like it.

With documentaries they normally have non diegetic sounds for example in blue plant when the predator was chancing the prey they put music playing in the background this music would not be played in the time they would have added it in. They also normally have narrative themes that are used over the top of the clips so you never see the person you only hear their voice over some of the clips. They also have a bunch of different camera shots there is not one type. I have chosen to use narration so when the clips and music is playing in the background I will talk over it giving more information on the band and the music plays quietly in the background. I have also decide to use non diegetic sounds for example the music I will not hear it I will put it in when I editing.

An example of subvert genre is Hansel and Gretel. At the start of the film the dad falls in love with a women which a love story but then she tells him to go and take the kids out and leave them in the woods this is an example because everyone things it is going to be a typical love story but really it is something else this throws of the audience into the unknown about what is going to happen and then changes the whole genre of the production.