Thursday 28 September 2017

  1. Document what you did in the session on Tuesday and Wednesday (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC)
  2. List under the following 
  • Research that you carry out in these sessions
  • Skills that you have tried, 
  • Any processes 
  • and methods you used.
Any tools that you used.

The research that was carried out

We got given a powerpoint print out that gave us information on what we were going to do we also looked at other peoples work to get an idea of what is happing and the teacher also told us what to do.

Skills we have tried

We done sewing on a sew handing machine 
Hand stiching
Bondaweb which is when you cut a shape out of fabric and iron it on 
free machine  embroidery 

Tolls we have used

Paint brush 
Water pot 
Painting tray
Dysperse dyes 
Heat press
Polyester sheets to print on
Hair dryer to speed up the drying process 

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Camera review Mamiya 654

This camera is combined with leaf credo back giving you great control meaning that the quality of the cameras photo is better quality as you get what you want.

The battery charges in 5 hours and you can take 10,000 photos before it needs to be recharge it comes with a 100-240 power adapter so you can use it every where.

The camera type is a Modular 654 AF SLR body
the lenses is a Mamiya Digital focal plane lenses Schneider-Kreuznach desinged leaf shutter lenses Mamiya 654 AFD lenses which is compatible with the HaaelBlad V lenses

All this information is got from

Thursday 21 September 2017


We had mostly secondary research because we did not look up all of the key words we have learned we got told them meaning we did not look them up so it is secondary research. the was more as we looked at pass peoples work meaning that we were learning off the research they had already done meaning it could have been false information as it is not first hand research.

The act of doing is primary research

Skills we have tried
mono printing
Post production editing
filming and editing
recording the sound
making the sound
Tools we have used

printing oil
removing scrapers
A3 paper

Method the process you re going to do to achieve it

Process the act of actually doing it

1. Evidence of me taking part:

Now list Primary and Secondary sources

Primary: Making the sounds for the clip and the act of doing something to find something out is primary research 

Secondary: because we did not look up all of the key words we have learned we got told them meaning we did not look them up so it is secondary research. the was more as we looked at pass peoples work meaning that we were learning off the research they had already done meaning it could have been false information as it is not first hand research.

2b Discuss any skills that you have tried:

mono printing this is a skill that i have never use before so i was not the best at it but after using it i believe that my skills have improved 

Post production editing that is the first time i have ever done it so i got really confused about it as i had never done it so ii still believe that i need to improve this skill

filming I was not bad at filming as i have done it before but I still think i could improve but I don't think i done bad as when we done that short video i think that my recording skills where good.

recording the sound i did not know how well we have done because we did not listen to the sounds we done so i don't know wether the sound worked out so i don't know how my skills are at that at the moment 

making the sound i think that the sound we made worked because some of the sounds sound like it was meant to but i don't know how its sounds on the recording as we did not here 

 What is your understanding of these?:
  Processes the act of actually doing it
  Methods the process you re going to do to achieve it
2d Discuss the tools that you used (Paint, Material, Software, etc): U2 3.1

Printing oil remover
A3 paper
Printing oil

How effective are they?

The painting oil remover worked really well as I was able to remove the oil off the table really quickly

Scrapers were use so that we could scrap the removing oil into the inland to help scrap it off 

The roller was very affective because I was able to roll out the ink as far as i needed it to which meant that i was able to fit my piece of paper over it and the do the mono painting. 

Printing oil was useful because i was able to get the affect i want to which meant i was able to then create the image i want to.

How could this be improved? 

This could be improve by using the equipment more but it will be hard as i don't do art so i will not get the chance to use the equipment that would allow me to improve my skills 

Did it go well
I think that it did go well because i was able to do what i wanted to do and also i was able to use some of the equipment well also my image in the art part came out well which was a surprise as i am rubbish at art 

What could have gone better 

The first few times i done my drawings i was not adding as much detail but then the art guy came over and told me what i could do it improve it so the last ones i done came out better as then i new what i had to do to improve it which meant that if i had now what to do then more of my drawing would have gone better then they actually did.