Thursday 28 September 2017

  1. Document what you did in the session on Tuesday and Wednesday (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC)
  2. List under the following 
  • Research that you carry out in these sessions
  • Skills that you have tried, 
  • Any processes 
  • and methods you used.
Any tools that you used.

The research that was carried out

We got given a powerpoint print out that gave us information on what we were going to do we also looked at other peoples work to get an idea of what is happing and the teacher also told us what to do.

Skills we have tried

We done sewing on a sew handing machine 
Hand stiching
Bondaweb which is when you cut a shape out of fabric and iron it on 
free machine  embroidery 

Tolls we have used

Paint brush 
Water pot 
Painting tray
Dysperse dyes 
Heat press
Polyester sheets to print on
Hair dryer to speed up the drying process 

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