Saturday 4 November 2017

Sky News

Sky News

It comes on every day at 3:30pm and is half an hour long then it finishes at 4pm then it comes back on at 4:30 and end at 5 then it comes back on for the last time at 5:30 for the last time that day
At the moment on sky new it is covering the government sexual harassment and Teresa May has  been said to of had ignored the sexual harassment allegations they then had an interview an lasted 2 mins. They interviewed a Dominic Raab about the view on the case. They done this live at Westminster.They then showed evidence of letters and statements as well so that you know that it is true 

They covered Catalan crisis and they also invited Spanish historian Jimmy Burns They also brought in Eduardo Barrachina a Catalan Lawyer. They then interview lasted 3 mins with both men as they had to cut it short to then keep on track

They have brakes in between segments of the new meaning they make money off it the brakes lasted 3 mins

They had a sports segment which lasted 3 mins then straight after there was a brake

Their target audience is anyone 18+ as there is no news that younger people will be interested in.

Their set design is plan and not very interesting also in some area there is not

They cover the Manhattan Attack and cut to a video of Trump talking this lasted a min. They then cut to a speech made by John Miller and also to a speech made by Bill De Blasio. They also showed live footage form the attack and had a narrator. They then go live to a Person in New York
The production was not perfect as there was a camera delay leaving a man sitting the waiting for the camera to change.   

Over 50 thousand people watch the new live as it happened 

Section 2

They use a multi camera on action coverage by have one in the air so a view from above and they also have a man on the ground to get a easy sight and to make the audience feel like they are there they then have one at a distance so that you can still hear what is being said but you can also hear what the reporter is saying.

When commuicating to the views they normally only have one camera pointing at them so that it does not confuse the reporter what camra to look at and also so  it does not confuse the audience becuase if they kept on moving round it will start to make you think that because they have moved they will move on to another story so it could confuse them.  

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