Tuesday 31 October 2017

White balance

White balance is when you hold up a piece of white paper in front of the camera so that the camera knows what the true colour of white i this then means that every time that the camera see a patch of white then it will know what it should acctuly look like meaning that the camera can then edit the white to thee shade it really is this means that it will also record the real colour and then use it in the future.

To do a white balance you need to make sure that the camera has a filter wheel and make sure the filter is on the correct filter for the light conditions. Then you need to get the camera pointed at a piece of paper that is true white make sure that the paper takes up most of the screen so that that is that the camera can only see that this means that the camera will not pick up on anything else. Then you flick the switch so that the balance starts and then you should get a thing flash up saying that it is completed.

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