Tuesday 20 March 2018

 Darkest Hour

On the Darkest Hour website it comes up with the trailer as soon as you open the website this is  sothat you can then see if it is the type of film you want also they can see it meaning you can then base the decision on the trailer as well in stead of just the information. I would include this in my web page because then the views would then want to find out meaning they won't have to keep looking around for the trailer they can then just watch it on the website.

I would also include the social media links this is because then the viewers will then be able to find out more about the film this also brings more views to the show because if you search  up the start of the film name then it will come up with the film as well this means more people will see it 

Fantastic Beast

The logo is the same as the darkest hour because it does not move. Another big part of the page is that it shows you what date it is going to be released this is so that more people are aware about it this is a good idea so people can book it and then get existed for it. They have a story and tell you a bit about it. Like who wrote it and what it is going to be based this allows you to picture the film and what it is going to be based on. It also has a gallery so that you can see how it is going to look and it also has all the all the cast so you can see who's going to be in it.  They also have the social medias as well so that you can see what the set look like

I would include the release date on  my website so that the viewers of the website can find out when it is and that means more viewers for us because if more people know when it is going to be released more people will watch it.

Fast and furious

It has the social media options so you can find out more about the film. It has a gallery so that you can build up an idea of the film without even seeing the trailer or the film. You have a link to get to the website where you can buy tickets as well this is so that they will earn more money because they get more money if people go and see it in cinema. They also have a link to get the DVD so that they can keep making money even after it comes out of cinemas. They also have a moving background which keeps playing the trailer over and over again.

I would take the moving background because it makes it more interesting and intriguing to the viewers of the website


Jumanji website has a moving water background and the title of the film moves as well meaning it stands out. Its loads like a game as it is based off being a game it also has its own game on the website as well. It also has a gallery so you can see more of what it is going to look like as well. They also have a link you can click on which takes you to a website where you buy tickets as they make more money if people go and see it in cinemas. They also have a section that you can click on where you meet the avatars this is so that you can get use to the characters and then see if it fits into what you want to see as well.

I would take the moving title name this is because it brings more attention to the title of the film.

The Greatest Showman On Earth 

When it load up it opens onto the ticket page this is so that people will feel more likely to book a ticket this is because it is the first thing you see. It also has a gallery so that you can see more of he film to come. It also come up with the trailer in the background this is so that it is the first thing you see when you click on it as well. You have the option of a sing along this shows you where the films will be shown so that you can see if there is one near where you live. 

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