Tuesday 17 April 2018

Visual Codes on BGT

  • Set and location 

This program is set all over England at the start of the show but then it is based in London Wembley.

  • Colour and tone used within the show 
The start of the clip starts off with a Union Jack this symbolises that it is the best of the Britain's talent. The colour of the background can be chosen by the act so they can pick what is going to be shown so it can flow with there act the tone of the show is exciting and bright and colourful this is so that they attract younger audiences this means that there views increase.  

  • Hair and Mack-up 
The judges have got make up on so that the light does not flush them out meaning that they do not shine and reflect this is the only make up that I know is in the show as the acts can decide weather or not to were it. This is because it is not as important because the acts are not in all the lights and and camera sights for that long not like the judges. There is not a set hair design so it is all free to have what ever you want.

  • Cloths 
The Judges have to dress all smart as they want to get the idea across that they can be formal and then non formal by the way they act this helps bring in more views as then it reaches out to more people where as the acts pick what they want and they normally dress more formal when they reach later on in the program where as at the start they dress ho they want.

  • Presenters
They start of informal like the judges and then as the show goes on they start to dress smarter like the judges this is because they then start to sing for formal song and start to posher things this is to set the vibe for the show.

  • Shot Types 
There is close up on the judges when they are talking to the acts or giving them feed back and they also do it when the act is signing or a close on their face after they are finished this show the emotion of the audition and how it effects them and the judges as seen in some of the audition and making the judges and audience cry this is to show the audience at home the power of music has over people.

They have wide shots as well to show how the entire audience reacts to the act so in some they do shots from where Ant and Dec stand this is so you feel like you are standing with them and gives you sort of a view of what the act sees this make you feel more involved with the show.

  • Different types of shot 
They can do shots from above if needed to allow to see the size of the stage and to show how it is not just a small show it is a big production.

They have wide shots to this is also a way of showing off the size of the show and how it can be intimidating to the act so you can see how one person has to perform on a big scale to compare to the size of the show

They do close ups to show the raw emotion of the act this is to show the TV audience the emotions that the act goes through.

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