Tuesday 17 April 2018

My H5P for website Steve


The H5P that I have produced has a picture of are actors Danny and Annie. If you want to find out more about Annie then you click on the link for Annie. Then it will take you to a video where it has her telling you a bit about her self. You will then be able to go back and pick Danny if you want to find out more about him. It will also bring you to a video where it will tell you more about Danny.

My H5P was successful because the links worked how they should be and it I laid out clearly. It is also a success because the videos that I include into it work and there was no faults in how it worked.

H5P is useful because it is clear and easy to use. This is important because if it was to complicated to use then people would give up on trying to work it meaning that no that many people would see it. This is bad for use because we are trying to promote are film so if people give up on trying to use it then not many people would now about the production.

H5P is also useful because it always you to include images and videos into them this means that if the user clicks on the link then it will take them to a video that we want them to see. This makes it more interesting then them just reading text they will get to see a video

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