Monday 25 June 2018

Genre is a category used to break up films into certain groups and used to identify what types of films the views like meaning that when the audience comes to pick a film they know what to expect like a comedy you can expect humour and light hearted jokes. Were as a horror you are expecting jump scarier and to have goose bumps all the way through.

A sub-genre is a second type of person that will like the film for example a documentary people may watch it to learn more this would be the main example but then people who are really interested in the environment will also watch it. This means that two types of people will watch this program another example is 24 hours in A&E this program is for people who like reality programs this would be the main genre whereas the sub-genre would be people who are interested in medical and the side of the hospitals.

A hybrid genre is when there is two types of genre in one film and example of this would be jumanji this would be an action comedy this means that there is action it when the bikers come after them but then there is also comedy when Kevin heart and the rock fight and the rock just knocks him off the cliff.

My production is a document on the change in music

The genre is important to the audience because it helps the categorise the films and find out what types of films they like. If you did not like a film as it made you scared then you would say you don’t like horror meaning that it narrows down the search as when someone says horror you know you won’t like it.

With documentaries they normally have non diegetic sounds for example in blue plant when the predator was chancing the prey they put music playing in the background this music would not be played in the time they would have added it in. They also normally have narrative themes that are used over the top of the clips so you never see the person you only hear their voice over some of the clips. They also have a bunch of different camera shots there is not one type. I have chosen to use narration so when the clips and music is playing in the background I will talk over it giving more information on the band and the music plays quietly in the background. I have also decide to use non diegetic sounds for example the music I will not hear it I will put it in when I editing.

An example of subvert genre is Hansel and Gretel. At the start of the film the dad falls in love with a women which a love story but then she tells him to go and take the kids out and leave them in the woods this is an example because everyone things it is going to be a typical love story but really it is something else this throws of the audience into the unknown about what is going to happen and then changes the whole genre of the production.

Sunday 13 May 2018

Evaluating the website

Are website for the Choice came out really well. This is because the layout was good everything worked and the background made it more engaging then just a simple back ground.

The website home page was effective because as soon as you  click on the link the name of the film would pop up meaning you would straight away know what this website was for.

Also the background to it gave you a chilling feeling as it was a picture of a person standing in a mask (representing the characters) directly behind a innocent looking girl (victim) this was effective because as soon as you sore that image you got a chill down you spine as you got a sense of what is going to happen. The effect of the picture moving in the background was also effective because if you see something flickering you relate it to a horror film which is close to are genre. This also helped to bring up the tension about the production making you want to know what's going to happen next.

The layout was done well as it was clear to navigate making it easy to find out the information you want to with out having to click on a bunch of random pages trying to get to what you want. This is useful because then when people are using the website then they will be able to find their way around easily.

We have a trailer on the website which is useful because it give the people who want to find more out about the film a chance to see a sneak peak which will then bring up there interest levels and they will want to see what will happen

We also had music playing in the background. This was good because then it helped to build up the tension as when you click on it the horror music noise start to playing giving you a chilling feeling and making you want to find out why that music is play. This means that because of the people wanting to find out why then spend more time looking at you website making them more interested overall in the production.

Overall I think that are website was really effective because of all the things above

Tuesday 17 April 2018

My H5P for website Steve

The H5P that I have produced has a picture of are actors Danny and Annie. If you want to find out more about Annie then you click on the link for Annie. Then it will take you to a video where it has her telling you a bit about her self. You will then be able to go back and pick Danny if you want to find out more about him. It will also bring you to a video where it will tell you more about Danny.

My H5P was successful because the links worked how they should be and it I laid out clearly. It is also a success because the videos that I include into it work and there was no faults in how it worked.

H5P is useful because it is clear and easy to use. This is important because if it was to complicated to use then people would give up on trying to work it meaning that no that many people would see it. This is bad for use because we are trying to promote are film so if people give up on trying to use it then not many people would now about the production.

H5P is also useful because it always you to include images and videos into them this means that if the user clicks on the link then it will take them to a video that we want them to see. This makes it more interesting then them just reading text they will get to see a video

Creating an Interview

The 180 degree rule means that all the actors look like they are facing the right way so they are looking towards each other so if there were camera on the other side of the 180 degree line then it would like like that they have swapped sides meaning it will confuse the audience as if they stick to the rule then it will mean they are looking the correct way and not looking away or like they have swapped round.

Eye contact is important as well because when you are looking at the interviewee they then feel more relaxed and feel like they are in a normal conversation were as if you were to keep looking at the camera then they will keep think that there is something wrong with what is going on also they will then not know where to look and could end up looking into the camera where they are not meant to or their eyes will wonder around the room making them feel even more uncomfortable. This will lead to not a good TV as if they were looking dead at you.

Leave silence so that the interviewee will then have time to think about a answer meaning that the quality of the answer are more information then if they did not have time to think about also this means that if they come up with a good answer at the end then they will be able to say something instead of you diving straight into the question also it will make them feel more relaxed and also it is easy to cut out when editing instead of talking over them.

Framing the shot make sure that you leave room at the top of the head so that you know that they are wearing nothing also make it shoulders up and zoom in so that they take up more of the screen this is so that you don't get a massive void patch on the screen or if there is a void patch try to feel it with some that will not take the eyes of the person but to make it so that it is not boring to look at.                                                                                    

Site map and where you context will feature

Website planning

On are website we will have a trailer which will then have a link to gallery so that they can get a bigger picture of the film as they can see more of it,

We will then have a cast and crew list so that the audience knows who is acting who is filming and things like that.

We will also have a synopsis as well so that the audience know what the film is about and get an idea if they will like it and then they will be more likely yo look at it

We will have booking tickets as well so that people do not have to spend time looking as they may give up because they can find where to book it meaning that we would not get as many viewers losing money as well.

We also have screening times so that the viewers cant then find out when they an see it meaning more money will be brought in.

We will have a home slide that just gives a little bit of information about the film so that it engages the reader making them want to find out more about the film.

Age Rating For Film

The Choice 
Target audience


15 years olds  are looking for explosions, violence, comedy and car chases.

Good fight scene or a good car chase or something that thy find scary or funny

They could film in a dark room with flickering light and then the lights turn on full and a man is standing there and then the lights flicker and he's gone and all that is left is a phone on the floor. 

It will be advertised on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and places like that because the are hundreds of thousands of people that use these social media platforms

It will be published twice a week so that it  reaches as many people as possible  

Visual Codes on BGT

  • Set and location 

This program is set all over England at the start of the show but then it is based in London Wembley.

  • Colour and tone used within the show 
The start of the clip starts off with a Union Jack this symbolises that it is the best of the Britain's talent. The colour of the background can be chosen by the act so they can pick what is going to be shown so it can flow with there act the tone of the show is exciting and bright and colourful this is so that they attract younger audiences this means that there views increase.  

  • Hair and Mack-up 
The judges have got make up on so that the light does not flush them out meaning that they do not shine and reflect this is the only make up that I know is in the show as the acts can decide weather or not to were it. This is because it is not as important because the acts are not in all the lights and and camera sights for that long not like the judges. There is not a set hair design so it is all free to have what ever you want.

  • Cloths 
The Judges have to dress all smart as they want to get the idea across that they can be formal and then non formal by the way they act this helps bring in more views as then it reaches out to more people where as the acts pick what they want and they normally dress more formal when they reach later on in the program where as at the start they dress ho they want.

  • Presenters
They start of informal like the judges and then as the show goes on they start to dress smarter like the judges this is because they then start to sing for formal song and start to posher things this is to set the vibe for the show.

  • Shot Types 
There is close up on the judges when they are talking to the acts or giving them feed back and they also do it when the act is signing or a close on their face after they are finished this show the emotion of the audition and how it effects them and the judges as seen in some of the audition and making the judges and audience cry this is to show the audience at home the power of music has over people.

They have wide shots as well to show how the entire audience reacts to the act so in some they do shots from where Ant and Dec stand this is so you feel like you are standing with them and gives you sort of a view of what the act sees this make you feel more involved with the show.

  • Different types of shot 
They can do shots from above if needed to allow to see the size of the stage and to show how it is not just a small show it is a big production.

They have wide shots to this is also a way of showing off the size of the show and how it can be intimidating to the act so you can see how one person has to perform on a big scale to compare to the size of the show

They do close ups to show the raw emotion of the act this is to show the TV audience the emotions that the act goes through.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

 Darkest Hour

On the Darkest Hour website it comes up with the trailer as soon as you open the website this is  sothat you can then see if it is the type of film you want also they can see it meaning you can then base the decision on the trailer as well in stead of just the information. I would include this in my web page because then the views would then want to find out meaning they won't have to keep looking around for the trailer they can then just watch it on the website.

I would also include the social media links this is because then the viewers will then be able to find out more about the film this also brings more views to the show because if you search  up the start of the film name then it will come up with the film as well this means more people will see it 

Fantastic Beast

The logo is the same as the darkest hour because it does not move. Another big part of the page is that it shows you what date it is going to be released this is so that more people are aware about it this is a good idea so people can book it and then get existed for it. They have a story and tell you a bit about it. Like who wrote it and what it is going to be based this allows you to picture the film and what it is going to be based on. It also has a gallery so that you can see how it is going to look and it also has all the all the cast so you can see who's going to be in it.  They also have the social medias as well so that you can see what the set look like

I would include the release date on  my website so that the viewers of the website can find out when it is and that means more viewers for us because if more people know when it is going to be released more people will watch it.

Fast and furious

It has the social media options so you can find out more about the film. It has a gallery so that you can build up an idea of the film without even seeing the trailer or the film. You have a link to get to the website where you can buy tickets as well this is so that they will earn more money because they get more money if people go and see it in cinema. They also have a link to get the DVD so that they can keep making money even after it comes out of cinemas. They also have a moving background which keeps playing the trailer over and over again.

I would take the moving background because it makes it more interesting and intriguing to the viewers of the website


Jumanji website has a moving water background and the title of the film moves as well meaning it stands out. Its loads like a game as it is based off being a game it also has its own game on the website as well. It also has a gallery so you can see more of what it is going to look like as well. They also have a link you can click on which takes you to a website where you buy tickets as they make more money if people go and see it in cinemas. They also have a section that you can click on where you meet the avatars this is so that you can get use to the characters and then see if it fits into what you want to see as well.

I would take the moving title name this is because it brings more attention to the title of the film.

The Greatest Showman On Earth 

When it load up it opens onto the ticket page this is so that people will feel more likely to book a ticket this is because it is the first thing you see. It also has a gallery so that you can see more of he film to come. It also come up with the trailer in the background this is so that it is the first thing you see when you click on it as well. You have the option of a sing along this shows you where the films will be shown so that you can see if there is one near where you live. 

Thursday 25 January 2018

<iframe src="" width="1090" height="145" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe><script src="" charset="UTF-8"></script>

Friday 19 January 2018

Interactive video

The video was not that good because it was not full recorded and that meant the clip does not go together very well. Also the moments when you get caught it is not clear and you can not see the moment you grab the laptop. this means that there was not any way to win the game therefore it is pointless playing as you will always lose. Also there was only one person acting meaning that it does not look like we even bothered otherwise there would have been more people involved.

Monday 8 January 2018


Most of the films that I have seen advertise on Facebook and twitter but from my survey I have found out that Facebook was the least used and that twitter and Snapchat was the most used so if they wanted to meet more people then they should use these because more people use it.

The commuter advertises on google, twitter and Facebook and having being posting on it most days. They have been promoting on their social media most days leading up to the release of there film which was on the 19/1/18. from my survey I have found  out that most people use social media to look up entertainment and communication this is a good thing for the film industry because if someone looks up and finds a good film they may ask there friends to go and see it meaning that even if one person has seen it more people will go and see it in the cinemas meaning that the film companies get more money.  

The only thing is see on my chart is that rotten tomatoes promotes on Instagram this means that it promotes to the people who don't have twitter and Facebook guaranteeing more people will see it this is not as important as twitter because more people have twitter so they are still promoting to a larger number but not a big. This is also important because they promote films and according to my survey more people use social media to look up entertainment and that is what rotten tomatoes is. The upload everyday which is more then the commuter does not promote as much a rotten tomatoes does for every new film coming out.  

The competitors of the commuter which is all the money all the world they promote on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube this means that they reach the same amount of people on twitter and Facebook but google and YouTube will be different meaning that one will reach more people then the other they both promote their films  every few days meaning that one is not promoting more then the others. 
