Thursday 12 October 2017

Photography blog

On Tuesday we done a photography class where we learnt about DSLR which stands for Digital, Single, Lens, Reflex this means that it flips the image upside down for us so we see it the right way up and it takes single photos every time you press the button where as normally it takes bursts photos this means you don't need to take more photos but you are able to take more if you want to by putting it into trust mode.

We went round take photos in different shutters speeds meaning that if you did not want to let as much light in you would put it on a fast shutter speed so that you could get a clear image if it was a slow shutter speed it would allow more light in meaning that the photo would be more distorted the fastest we could have are shutter speed was 2000 and the slowest was 120 close a second.

We could also control the aperture that we were able to control meaning that we could get a wide field shot or a narrow shot this was helpful because then we could get the amount of detail we wanted also if we wanted more detail like in the side we could make it wider and then get a nice image.

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