Wednesday 18 October 2017

Scene sound on IT dancing scene

When the scene starts you get the sound of a of a gate being drop which means that something has been realized evil has been let out this is like Penywise has be set free from the trap that he was in for 30 years when he was sleeping and is now out and ready to feed on the victims that he will pick and eat. They also have the sound of the clown music which is distorted which bring the idea of how long has this clown been doing this for and how it is also played to bring fear to the audience as quite a few people are scared of clowns so to use music that i associated with clowns it bring horror levels up. The music also sound distorted because of how many times it has been played making you think about how Penywise could have played it to all his victims to make them even more scared even though this music is meant to be innocent it is use in a cruel way making you think about how all the clown could turn evil making you associated distorted sound with the evilness of this clown.

When the dancing starts it is used in a crescendo way this if effective because it can also be seen as showing how Penywise is confidant and loud but during the reset of the scene the music starts to decrescendo this can show the confidence of the character growing and how Penywise are gradually softening out until the music cuts out all together at the time when he jumps off the platform to stop Beverly form escaping. This is also to help you hear the dialogue of the characters talking because if the music kept on playing the some people would find it harder to listen to what is being said.

The is also an example of natural sound at the time when Beverly is looking around for a way to get out and she looks over at the sewer and then you can hear the sound of water as it pours out into the cage she is trapped in. This is the only example of natural sounds in the scene.

You also get a Empathetic sound which is when Penywise jumps off the stage and he does the laugh this matches the mood because laughter is normally associated with funny and safe but when the clown jumps off it it to build the seance of fear that how can someone find it amusing to scare another and that clown laughs are meant to be funny but this laugh is just terrifying and you would not feel comfortable if someone laughed around you like that you would be set on edge.

Coming back to the dance scene it is a perfect example of sound motif as the music it strange and perceptual just like Penywise also as it plays clown music and the horror person is a clown you instantly think oh crap hes here building up the tension that a poor innocent girl is trap in a place with a psychopath and there is no way to escape.

The whole ambiance off the scene is good as well because it is set in a scary place where no-one would go and no-one would want to go. This helps you to realize that she has been trapped and take to a dark and scary place this can symbolize what Penywise is all about because his aim is to scare you as much as possible before he feeds on you as he feeds off of fear and what better place to try and scare someone in a place that they have never been a place where they will take ages to escape if they do make it away they in somewhere like the sewer this is how they have done it because you realize even if the Beverly does make it away then the likely hood she will get caught before she can make it out meaning that she is trapped. This can be taken back to when Penywise started his dance and how when the sound of the door dropping and him being let out it means that others will be trap so in a way it is as soon as one door close meaning the exit for Beverly another opens meaning the entrance for Penywise to enter. I believe that it is perfectly done as this also helps build up the tension as it is like being stuck in the room with your worst fear and not known a way out and you start to feel scare for the character that is trapped in with Penywise.   

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