Tuesday 3 October 2017

Review on BIC AD

My opinion on the prediction is that even thought it took a while to get it started it was worth it because we got the effects and the style we wanted meaning it looked really good.

We had a few issues during the production which was sound issues as sometimes we could not here them and sometimes we could not hear the sound effects meaning that the process was slowed down because we had to reset the process and start again it took us 15 attempts to get it right. We also had communication issues as we could not speck to the actors directly we had to talk to them through the cameraman this meant that we could not get it across as clear as we wanted to.

What did go well is when the sound effects worked  it was good as we got what we wanted. Also when the acting worked it was good because we were able to see what are ideas were like in real life. meaning that everything came together how we wanted it to.

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